St Francis Mullein 100ml
Mullein is traditionally used to treat coughs and respiratory catarrh associated with respiratory tract infections and influenza colds; to treat coughs associated with acute or chronic bronchitis, tracheitis or asthma; as a lymphatic alternative and decongestant.
Suggested Usage: Adults: Take 0.83-1.33 ml (25-40 drops) 3x daily in a little water on an empty stomach.
Medicinal Ingredients (per 1 ml): Mullein flower spike (Verbascum thapsus) 250 mg QCE (1:4)
Non-Medicinal Ingredients: Distilled water, Grain alcohol
Cautions and Warnings: Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or persist and before use if you intend to use this product for acute bronchitis or asthma.
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